Aug 28, 2020
Nick and Heaton must journey to the Replicant Homeworld in hopes of tracking down their Netflix password.
Cast: Nick Sperdute, Andrew Heaton, and Kourtni Beebe as Fuschia Robotski
Aug 27, 2020
First, Jennings and Heaton compare their plans to beat the undead in their respective cities of Los Angeles and Wichita.
Then, author Daniel Kraus comes on to discuss his new book "The Living Dead," which he co-authored with the late George Romero.
Kraus interview at 1:03
Aug 13, 2020
It turns out, rumors of Nick's demise have been greatly exaggerated.
Cast: Andrew Heaton, Nick Sperdute, and Jared Berman as Joeblobe
Aug 11, 2020
Mary Jo Pehl wrote and acted in MST3K, a comedy show which dug up old (terrible) sci fi flicks and then pelted jokes at it. Over the course of its run, MST3K pioneered a new comedic medium, and rose from a local access program, to a Comedy Central hit, to cult classic. Mary Jo joins Heaton to discuss how they put the...
Aug 7, 2020
Nick selflessly enters a deadly chamber in order to save the other inhabitants of the apartment from radiation.
Cast: Andrew Heaton, Nick Sperdute, Jared Berman as Joeblobe, Kevin Delano as AJ-19